Altan Hydrangea

"Altan. Hydrangea. Like the flower."
-Altan Hydrangea, upon being asked his name after an unnecessarily long pause.
Basics: 7 fulms, 2 ilms in height
275 ponzes in weight without armor, muscular build
31 years old
Sexuality: Straight


Talk with me OOCly in game if you wanna set up an ERP scene. If you've found me in the quicksands, i'm probably there to find ERP over regular RP, but I go with whatever interests me at the moment. I will almost ALWAYS prefer some kind of setup to just out of the blue ERP, so if you're interested but don't have anything in mind, expect me to come up with ideas.
Altan is in a committed relationship. While I will still partake in ERP regardless, do realize that unless otherwise stated, it will likely be considered as a sort of 'soft canon'. AU essentially, where it's canon that he's had sex with your character only when it's relevant to them. ERP is fun, and both me and the writer of Altan's partner have come to the understanding that I still like to ERP with others even if the two of them are in a monogamous relationship :)

Altan's background / info

Altan Hydrangea is a Xaela whose early life was spent moving from place to place due to the ongoing invasions by the Garlean empire, before growing up in Ul'Dah.
He's tall, strong, fierce looking and quiet to most people.
He's proficient in most weapons, but he lives and breathes the axe.
Talking to him about his past is like striking a brick wall. You shouldn't do it, and you'll probably be hurt in the process, because he has NO IDEA how to deal with emotions like a sane person.
He isn't very talkative, unless drunk, however he has an intense interest in scholarly pursuits. History, geography, literature, you'll find that he's surprisingly well read, and not just a mass of muscle without thought.

OOC Info!

Sup! I'm a 23 y/o dude, and while I love writing and RPing, I won't pretend to be very great at it. Also, if we somehow lose contact after RP, don't take it the wrong way! Altan is also my main, so I also use the character to play a lot of ffxiv, so I can't promise I'll always follow up even if I'm on Altan. As always, OOC is king. If you're getting bored, or have things to do, I won't take it personally if you need to step away or cut off RP. I'm a pretty chill dude, so don't think you'll offend me easily, even if you try.
I'm in Eastern Standard Time.
I can also take a bit to formulate a response. Most times, concise is how I send out replies, however I can easily be lost in a few sentences, and I'll debate with myself whether or not to trim it down, or make a continuation. However, if you're PARTICULARLY wordy, expect me to try to match you.Note about ERP . TL;DR, yes. Click for info.Woe to thee, who decides to talk to me OOC. I don't keep my discord on here readily, but I probably won't deny giving you my discord so we can chat, discus future RP, discuss mid-RP, whatever. I'm a bit shy, but as soon as I start going, I might not stop. If you catch me going on and on, feel free to call me out, I talk a lot, and sometimes can't find the right cue to stop. I'm one of those "I'll probably keep responding as long as you do" kinds of guys.

Public Knowledge / rumors

- Altan is currently a Captain of the Immortal Flames. Under their employ, he has partaken in many important fights for the realm, including but not limited to the battle at the Ghimlyt dark, The Bozja incident, and more recently leading his own squad in the Ilsebard Contingent to Garlemald. Though he's no moral authority, he takes his job quite seriously.
(Recent rumor has it that Altan has killed a fellow Captain for some reason pertaining to despicable acts. As such, he has a reputation amongst others of his rank as someone who does not tolerate corruption, but how far this goes no one knows.)
- Used to fight as a mercenary, as well as hunter of large beast. It's possible that he may have worked with you before, well before he began work in the Immortal Flames.
-Avid tea lover. If you love tea as well, you may have seen him at tea stores, buying seeds.
-Bit awkward around others, and often looks for a way out of a conversation, even if he enjoys it.
- Years of fighting experience has make a proven warrior out of him. Put a weapon in his hand, he can probably use it. He is also a Warrior, jobstone and everything.
- Experienced with field medicine, as all good warriors should be. He can patch you up, so as to send you to a REAL healer if you're particularly fucked.
- Has killed many. MANY. Garlean soldiers in his time. There was once an active bounty on his head from the Garlean Empire. There's no way of confirming if that bounty has gone away due to recent events or not.
- Don't be fooled by his size and weight. He can be very nimble if he wants to be.
- Practically lives in his armor.
- Duels quite frequently.